Sunday, April 15, 2012

Chapter 5: Crime part 1

Name Class time:
KEEP THIS TO 1-3 – PAGES LONG (excluding reference page)
Author: Sara Baase
Date of Publication:
Sections read:5.1-5.2
1. (Knowledge)Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:
2. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?

The future is a full of surprise most of the web use are unplanned and unexpected.hackers can steal a hug databases of personal information without us knowing.
3. (Application)Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experiencedbe specific and explain?
A new solution to this type problems to build a system that will work for everybody from dangerous hacking. nowadays hacking is so easy even a 13years old can get into the system and due a great impact on it. hacking can be good and bad it depend on the person who have the techniques,even the good intention could make a mistake and cause a significant damage accidentally almost all of the hackers are form of trespassing. for example a hackers group in Russia and Ukraine broke into more than 40 online business and stole more than a million credit card numbers . The use of internet has made more problem around the world than before. We live in a society that depend everything on technology we even forget the reality and the damage we are cause on earth.Pg260 – be specific and explain?
4. (Analysis)Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading? Try to connect what you have by reading this article and how it applies to the stages in Bloom's taxonomy in 2 full sentences.
Hackers and robbery are the the most dangerous people on earth because they steal what ever you have and make money out of it. Back in the day thief will go to the bank and robbery and get a way with cars , to day everything is done to computers therefore they don't have to leave the house in which make the police hard to find them. Technology has increase the issue of people being robbery because once someone knows your credit card you are done unless you note it before it's too late. Even if you have security you can never be 100% safe.
5. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS)? What new conclusions can you draw about this (or other topics) after reading this material?
I agree with what has been said in this chapter because hacking is trespassing someone else property and that person should be responsible for any damage he/she may be done for the cause of the property. For example in2007 a hacker planted a password stealing programs on the web sites of the supper bowl teams.Pg261
6. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Evaluate why you are viewing the topic in this manner based on your experiences. What ethical evaluations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics) or decisions were made/can be assumed from this chapter? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter?
This kind of topic is relevant in today society because big business are being broken by theft stealing people money in their bank . The only chose we have is not use internet but that wouldn't be the cause because we love technology so much we will put our life in dangerous. People should know that hacking into someone else system is wrong and crime unless they have the permission to do so by the owner. We should also have a system that don't allowed people where they shouldn't be there in the first place.

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