Monday, April 9, 2012

Intellectual property Part2

Name Class time:
KEEP THIS TO 1-3 – PAGES LONG (excluding reference page)
Author: Sara Baase
Date of Publication:
Sections read:4.1-4.4
1. (Knowledge)Tell three interesting elements of this chapter:
2. (Comprehension) Summarize what is being discussed within this chapter?
People should not take other people works without their permission, and no one would like if someone came to your house and take something without you knowing. Intellectual property means that it;s someone idea and no body can take it away without asking for permission.
3. (Application)Name a specific example or NEW solution for this type of problem/similar situation in society or that you have experienced?
A new solution for this problem is to limited what we put on the internet so it wouldn't be as easy to copy someone else work without them knowing. if people keep taking others work without pay the people who are doing the work and they are not getting pay they can't produce anymore work because no one is paying them for their ideas and hard work. A big issues for this problem is the advance of technology in the world because technology make the every thing easy to get.

4. (Analysis)Address ANY that apply. How can you compare one of the situations in this chapter to something that does not relate to computers, technology, or the Internet? Be sure to reference the chapter and your solution. What ideas NEW can you add to the issue that is being presented within the reading? Try to connect what you have by reading this article and how it applies to the stages in Bloom's taxonomy in 2 full sentences.
5. (Synthesis) Address all that apply. Do you agree with what is being said within the article (Why/Why not? Back up with FACTS)? What new conclusions can you draw about this (or other topics) after reading this material?
I agree with what has been said this chapter, because people work should be protect with the law. Many of us wouldn't like it to work for free, their is no one would work for free in this world everyone want to get money on the things they have done. The question why are we doing to others for something that we wouldn't like? In conclusions the internet should make difficulty for people trying to copy somethings without paying for it and they should put a fine print that tells people what are the outcome if they copy something without permission.
6. (Evaluation) Address all that apply. Judge whether or not this topic is relevant in today’s society? Evaluate why you are viewing the topic in this manner based on your experiences. What ethical evaluations (see Chap1-1.4 for exp of Ethics) or decisions were made/can be assumed from this chapter? What new ideas will you make after reading this chapter?
This topic is very relevant in today society not many people go to the store and buy movies or music because they can just go online and get it for free. There no one would go to the store buy movies when they can go on the computer and get what they want at no cost. what we don't realized we are stilling other people property copying and sharing information about others and not asking their permission to do so.

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