Friday, April 6, 2012

Watching/Thoughts: Steal this film

Your Name : Mberwa,Mberwa Class time:11am-11:50am
Name of Movie: Steal this Film
Year: 2006
Producers: The Pirate Bay
1. What questions/thoughts/reactions do you have after watching this film? (Questioning):
  • How can we know for sure that somebody is making money for our intellectual property even thought we have a copy right in place?
  • if people don't went others to copy their work why would they put it online?Because once we put stuff on the internet is no longer in our control therefore is difficult to stop people from access our work.

2. Foundation (Understanding):
a. What is the Pirate Bay? is a person who Reproduces someone else work or invention of anther person property without an authorization.
b. What do they stand for (what is their mission)?
they stand for the intellectual property rights of the people and protecting others who work so heard to come up with the ideas so they can get pay, because is their work and no body else should copy it without their permission.

c. What is their purpose for making and distributing this film as a free download?
The purpose of this film is to make people realize that they wouldn't like if someone took their ideas without their permission. it is like someone came to your house while you are out and took your computer without asking you and sell it for less it for less, when you pay lots of money for it.
3. Provide 3 referenced connections to Baase readings (Linking).
a.The key to undersatnd intellectual property is that intangible creative work not it;s particular physical form.pg199
b.There is a boundary between an ideas and expression of an ideas is often not clear to people.pg200
c.Fearing that widespread copy and file sharing would severe reduce it's income. The entertainment industry brought it's ongoing battle to prevent unauthorized use of it's products to the digital world and the web.pg203
4. There are at least 10 people interviewed in this film. Name 5 of these people, explain why they are included in the film (why they are significant). How do they relate/add information to the overall theme of the film (Knowledge):
    1. Felix Stalder
    2. Joseph Licklider
    3. Yochai Benkler
    4. Elixabeth Eisenstein
    5. Lawrence liang
5. Name, and define, 3 significant people interviewed in the movie (Knowledge):
a) Lawrence Liang( Law forum)
b)Dan Glickman (chairman of MPAA)
c)Elizabeth (Historion)
4. What are the main ideas being discussed within this movie? By referencing the book, make 2 connections between Baase and this film (Comprehension).
they both talk about copy right form the book and the file. the main points are it's wrong to copy someone else is work and it's also a crimes to do so without the permission of the person who crate the work, in which they spend lot of money put their ideas to work.
The main point of this Film is intellectual property, mean that people have the right to copy law their work so people wouldn't just stale other people work for less profit.
5. What is BitTorrent? Explain what it does and how this technologic advancement had changed society. (Comprehension)
BitTorrent is an open source peer-to-peer protocol for downloading files on the internet. Open source means the code is available for anyone to modify and redistribute at will. Consequently there are several free BitTorrent programs available to the public, each with differing features.
The idea behind BitTorrent is to allow massive distribution of popular files without penalizing the source by soaring bandwidth costs and possible crashes due to demand that exceeds the capability of the server. In this way, anyone who creates a popular program, music file or other product can make it available to the public regardless of assets, even if the file becomes highly popular.
6. Based on the main point off this film (If you don’t understand read: Where do you see connections to your experiences, or within society – be specific and reference the book (Application)?
7. Analyze what you’ve watched. Use your Baase connections. What do you think is the future of distribution, production and creativity? What do you think is the future of Intellectually Property in the Information Age? ? (Analysis)
The future of distribution information it make us we are as people working together sharing information about others. the advance of technology keep us connect with each other even if that person live in anther country we talk to them, such facebook or my space million of people are using online service to become friends to people they never met before. the only good ways for a better future is for us to be able to talk to each other. When it comes to intellectual property the future is still the same because their is no way to put a stop on unless we don't post our idea in the internet and make it difficulty for people to the information that we don't want them to have.
8. Do you think that downloading is stealing someone’s Intellectual Property? Why or why not? Back up with Baase (Analysis)?
yes i thank that downloading someone intellectual property is stealing, because you didn't pay for it and the person who make the work spent lot of money just to achieve his/he work and it will be wrong for you to download their work without their permission or pay for what you have download. It's like i came to your house and i was not welcome to come inside and take one of your TV sell it on ebay for $3.00
9. How do you see issues of copyright and Intellectual property effecting the world 50 years from today? be specific (Synthesis)
I see it still to be a problems because is not going to change it just going to keep getting worst unless we reduce what we want people to see. it it didn't change in the past there is no 100% sure that people would not take others property.
10. Do you agree with what is being said within movie? Explain. (Evaluation)
Yes i agree with what has been because intellectual property is real problem in our society the people didn't come with the ideas they are one who enjoying the work while those who came with the ideas are suffering, and no body is realizing that what they are doing is wrong.
11. Has your opinion shifted on this topic after watching this film? Have you created any new ideas after watching, and thinking about, this film? (Evaluation)
No my opinion has not change we can't stop doing something that we enjoy doing it because others people are profiting on it. if we do that every singer in the world will lose their job. i don't think we should give up what we love because of somebody else.

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